
Legal Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting the website of Jerry & Jerry LLP. This website was created by Jerry & Jerry LLP for the sole purpose of providing general information about the legal services we offer. None of the information provided in this website is intended to constitute, nor does it constitute, legal advice.

This website is not intended to create and does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Jerry & Jerry LLP. An attorney-client relationship with us cannot be formed by reading the information in this website. The only way to become our client is through a mutual agreement in a formal letter or retainer agreement provided by our office. This website is not soliciting clients and does not propose any type of transaction. You should not act or rely on any information in this website without seeking the advice of an attorney.

We advise you not to send confidential or time-sensitive information through our website or via email. Transmission of information on-line, over the Internet, or through the electronic means can be unstable, unreliable and insecure. There is a risk that information may be intercepted illegally. There may also be a risk of waiving attorney-client and/or work-product privileges that might attach to such communications, where a proper attorney-client relationship exists. You should not send information or facts via email relating to your legal problem or question. Any information that you send us in an email message or contact form might not be confidential or privileged.